Episode 6 - Diabetes

Millions in US have diabetes or prediabetes but it is often PREVENTABLE

Diabetes Type 2: High blood sugar levels because of insulin resistance. Occurs when insulin released from the pancreas is less effective at moving sugar (glucose) from the blood stream into the cells.

Danger of high blood sugar levels over time- can cause blindness, numbness/pain in feet (neuropathy), kidney failure, heart attack/strokes, PAD (peripheral arterial disease), lead to amputations

Risk factors: diets high in sugars, refined carbohydrates (juice, soda, bread, pasta, sweets), sedentary lifestyle, obesity, genetics

Symptoms of high blood sugars: often no symptoms until very high blood sugars then can experience blurred vision, urinary frequency, excessive thirst

Diagnosed with blood test hemoglobin A1c level >6.5 (prediabetes 5.7-6.5, normal <5.7), or fasting blood glucose > 125


Lifestyle modifications: diet, exercise, weight loss

Dietary changes: limit concentrated sweets, sodas, white breads and pastas. Change to whole grain/wheat breads and pastas or other pasta alternatives (edamame, lentil, chickpea etc). Limit white potatoes, choose sweet potato instead

1 carbohydrate serving is 15g: 9 grapes, half apple, 1/3 banana, 1/4 cup brown rice

Limit breakfast to 2-3 carb servings, lunch 2-3 carb servings, supper 3-4 carb servings

It matters what you eat with the carbohydrate. Absorbed more slowly (which is better) when eaten with protein or high fiber. So instead of drinking the glass of OJ eat the orange. Beans/lentils contain carbs but are a better carb choice because of high fiber/protein content.

Fill plate with ½ veggies, ¼ protein, ¼ fruit/healthy fat/grain

Medications: metformin, sulfonylureas (glipizide), GLP-1 agonist injectables (liraglutide) good for weight loss and heart disease, SGLT2 inhibitors heart and kidney benefit, DPP-4 inhibitors (sitagliptin), insulins

Health Pearl: Cucumber Quinoa Salad refreshing summer salad. Remember to rinse your Quinoa before cooking.

Additional resources:

Diabetes Food Hub

American Diabetes Association

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