Episode 17 - Bone Health

Bone Health

Osteoporosis diagnosis: DEXA scan T score of <-2.5 or diagnosed clinically - a fall from standing height resulting in fracture or evidence of spinal compression fractures

Risk factors: age, female sex, previous fracture, family history of osteoporosis, medication like prednisone, smoking, excess alcohol intake, small frame...

There are no symptoms of osteoporosis- can see loss of height or forward hunched posture “kyphosis”

People with osteoporosis break their hip and that is what generally causes the fall- not the fall that causes the fracture

Prevention: weight bearing exercise, getting adequate calcium and vitamin D

Treatment: Bisphosphonates, RANKL inhibitors or parathyroid hormone analogs

Health Pearl:

Alton Brown’s Chocolate Chia Breakfast Pudding

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