Episode 32 - The Dark Side of Isolation

The Dark Side of Isolation During COVID-19

In this episode, we discuss the unintended isolation that results from social distancing and quarantine measures, especially in the elderly. We review complications of isolation, including frailty, sarcopenia, depression, cognitive changes, and increased suicidality. We also review measures to help mitigate these adverse consequences, and discuss how everyone can help. 

We explain which outings are safe and whether gathering during the summer can be safe. We review precautions that should be taken when out. 

Health pearl: Find someone who could benefit from a safe, social distancing outing and do something fun together!


Search “Adopt a Grandparent” to find a program near you. 

Nacional Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255, https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org