Episode 13 - Aging Well

Episode 13 - Aging Well

Aging - the sum of all changes that occur with the passage of time that lead to functional impairment and eventually death

Factors affecting age: genetics, environment (stressors, habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, diet)

It’s important to thing about death in order to help decide what living and aging well means for you. Take time to have conversations with your loved ones about what matters to you (quality of life versus quantity of life, what activities are important to you).

Answer the following: “How long do you think you’ll live?” and “How long would you like to live if given a fountain of youth?”

“What three things do you do to promote longevity?” “How well do you do at each of those (rate 1-5)?”

We all want to function as well as possible until death. Most of us will require help with at least one activity of daily living (dressing, bathing, toileting, food preparation) for the last 4 years of our lives.

Only 25% of longevity is due to genetics. The other 75% comes from environmental factors.

Life expectancy: 78.7 years for all comers, 81 for females, 76 for males

Blue Zones: National Geographic studied places in the world where people live the longest. People in these areas do the following: move naturally (walk, farm), have a sense of purpose, practice relaxation, in Okinawa - stop eating when 80% full; follow a plant-based diet; consume moderate alcohol; attend faith-based services 4 times per month; focus on loved ones coming first; surround themselves with the “right tribe” (family/friends with healthy habits).

Exercise can add years of independence to the end of life.

Diet: Mediterranean diet with plant-based protein, vegetables, olive oil, nuts and legumes adds health benefits to the heart, brain, and may contribute to longevity.

Control health conditions. Taking medication when needed will help prevent complications in the long-term.

Do supplements help with aging? Studies show more benefit from getting nutrients through a well balanced diet. If deficient in vitamin B12, vitamin D, supplements may be beneficial. Other supplements such as calcium, omega 3/fish oil haven’t proven to be as helpful. Ginko biloba hasn’t proven to be beneficial. Supplements are not well regulated.

Adequate sleep can contribute to longevity. Sleep related conditions such as sleep apnea should be treated.

Attitude appears to have an impact on longevity. Lindsey’s 104 year old grandmother choses to be happy, laughs daily, stays socially engaged (is on Facebook, church circle), has a sense of purpose, and has a sense of adventure.

Share your stories and life experience! The next generations need them.

Health pearl: Get outside! “Nature deficit disorder” is a loose term for symptoms related to inadequate time outside. Spending time in nature has a lot of positive health value, including reduced stress, better mood, better sleep, and lower blood pressure, among other things.

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