Episode 27 - Sugar and Metabolic Syndrome

Episode 27: Sugar and Metabolic Syndrome

In this episode we discuss the impact of sugar on metabolism and the adverse effects of sugar loads on various organ systems.

Metabolic syndrome: dysregulation of normal metabolism. It can lead to damage of many organs. Increases risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, excess body fat (especially central obesity), abnormal cholesterol. This increases risk for heart attack and stroke. Can also lead to fatty liver disease.

High fructose loads cause cellular inflammation. Fructose loads trigger a metabolic pathway that stimulates increased consumption of food and storage of energy. This is beneficial for animals that hibernate or don’t have access to as much food during winter, but not for humans. Fructose also depletes energy on a cellular level.

The more concentrated the sugar load, the more it stimulates increased food consumption and storage. Because of this, sugary beverages such as soda, sports drinks, and juice should be avoided.

Foods to limit/avoid to help improve metabolism:

Juice and soda, sports drinks, or other beverages with added sugar.





Dried fruit

Fruits (limit, don’t avoid) - some have more sugar than others (grapes are high in sugar, low in fiber)

Beer and wine

Foods/beverages that promote healthy metabolism:



For fruit consumption, eating berries, kiwi, other low sugar fruits is better


Peter Attia, MD episode 87: Rick Johnson, MD: Fructose - the common link in high blood pressure, insulin resistance, T2D, & obesity? https://peterattiamd.com/rickjohnson/

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